Click to listen to Quran – The Final Testament – Authorized English Version By Dr. Rashad Khalifa on Youtube.


“MERCY FROM GOD [21:107]

When the believers are faced with a problem, they develop a number of possible solutions, and this invariably leads to considerable bickering, disunity, and disarray. We learn from 2:151, 3:164, and 21:107 that it is but mercy from God that He sends to us messengers to provide the final solutions to our problems. We learn from 42:51 that God sends His messengers to communicate with us, and to disseminate new information. Hence the strong injunction in 4:65, 4:80 to accept, without the slightest hesitation, the teachings delivered to us through God’s messengers.”

These are reference points during Quran studies with God’s messenger of the Covenant.


18min – Size of the soul.

23min – One Angel in charge of Hell.

31mins – We are the early generations – Quranic proof will dominate the world ensuring later generations get the pure message.

34mins – End of the world.

50mins – Dealing with anger, objection and provocation.

59mins – Quranic night starts at sunset – All prayers especially dawn important.

1hr 03min – read Quran during the night and Dawn.

1hr 13min – Fujr prayer Important – We could be pardoned if we miss it once in a while (once a month).

1hr 17Mins – Virginity and perfect happiness.


Start – Believers are Satan’s No1 Target.

24mins – The Quran is not the physical book.

34Mins – If God is all merciful and knows the humans would make the same mistake – Why bother with all this – Answer = to save those who would make it to heaven.

57Mins – Translation debated – the word “clot” Vs “embryo”.


Start – Rashad and followers enjoying a Banter

11Mins – Pharaoh died a believer – BUT did not nourish his soul via the worship practises.

31Mins – when the Miracle is presented – why do people not respond. Miracle of the word GOD explained.

1Hr – MOC makes a terrible mistake – Advises a follower “these two pills will remove your flu” – major error was not invoking God when giving the pills.

1Hr:29mins – Consequence of losing the 5 daily prayers.


14Mins – One of the followers announces they are colour blind.

17min 50sec – Quran is for the humans and the Jinns.

20mins – our universe is the prison cell for the devil and his Angels

26Mins – Explains verses 37:8 they cannot spy on the high society.

28Mins 30sec – Question asked “why did God create our Souls.”

31Mins – Rising for Fujr is difficult but should get easier. Discussion of Ramadan during summer months (Indication of Astronomical timing used).


31mins 30Sec – People who die before 40yrs.

34Mins – Believers who were “swept in the crowd.”

38Mins – Description of “special” and “first generation” Believers.

46Mins – Submission nursery rhymes – singing with children.


3mins – “invisible giant” protects you, example given wars during the days of Prophet Mohammad also XRAYS, UV and infrared given as examples of invisible forces.

8min 30sec – Spoils of war – abused Verse 59:7, Sects of Islam.

15Mins – charity donations to help an immigrant – example of Quranic community. Follower was in a car accident.

17mins – God removes hatred from hearts of believers.

25Mins – definition of a hypocrite.

33Mins – Drug addicts and dealers – Quran does not advocate the killing of them.

43Mins – Analogy of working for this life Vs. working for the Hereafter.

1Hr 7Mins – Explanation\History of written Quran.


Start – Explanation of the Quran Collection & two false Verses & New Translation.

20Mins – Explains the term “God’s Chosen” and the misapplication of the term.

26Mins – Explains How Jews\Christians can be submitters. They must follow their religious commandments.

31Mins – No conflict with worshipping God alone under different religions.

35Mins – God allowed previous scriptures to be altered as the Quran will dominate and remain unaltered. Islam will dominate within 50yrs from 1989.

47Mins – Better to abandon a business deal of $10Million and attend Friday Prayer.

1hr 2mins – description of intersession and repentance.

1hr 11min – Being a good person without observing the commandments is in vain.

1hr – 14mins – Congregation asked to recite Fetiha for someone’s exam.


2mins – Explains divorce.

6mins – Explains “rebelling” against God’s Law. Explains “leading a righteous Life”

9mins – explains Evolution. “Species created independently”. Explains other Earths and we are “believing evolutionists”.

14mins – Explains divorce and observing God’s laws leads to happiness.

18mins – Knowledge brings us closer to the Quran.

21mins – “Islamic Judges”.

32mins – enjoin children to do Salat.

48mins – Believers make mistakes – be Stern with disbelievers so they “don’t fall in the ditch”.

53mins – reciting the Key for Birthdays.


Start – Quran must be recited in the tongue of its people.

7min – Role of Angel Gabriel – explanation of theory of relativity – Angels speed – Speed of light is Slow.

17mins – those who gave up God for their children\spouse in this world would give them up to spare them the retribution.

25mins – we create our own misery.

30min – different forms of marriage i.e. common law wife.

32min – Worshippers who do not observe Salat are always worried – Being worried, despondent and stingy you do not belong with the believers. Salat remedies all these things. Traits of the believers.

36mins – Chasity.

45mins – Believers children are in God’s hand.

47mins – Charity and showing off.

48mins – we must observe “Umrah and Hajj”.

50mins – common law marriage and problems in marriage. Forced marriage against Quran.

1Hr 5mins – Believers are Hard honest workers. They are not lazy. Rich Vs. Poor believers.

1hr 12mins – Compilation of the Quran. Explains release of Quran to Prophets Memory.


17mins – Noah’s disbelieving people and their example repeated today. Message one and the same.

22mins 30secs – MOC “I wish I could have translated it better”.

24mins – Most probably Aramaic language used during time of Noah. Salat did not exist during Noah time.

28mins – new world had “no bacterial viruses”.

39mins – Explains Jinn’s spying.

50min – “Keep your Chasity” explained.

57mins – Jinns visited the Masjid. Quranic Events past and future.

1hr 3min – Jinns giving more time to explore. Jinns explained in detail.

1hr 13mins – Ranks in Heaven.

1Hr 24min – God teacher of the Quran.

1hr 27min – Sermons “kutuba” not part of the contact prayer.


16min – Explanation of the Bee.

25min – Explains why God does not have partners.

33mins – “This is God’s system” – disbelievers given a chance to see the message.

36mins – “headaches” inflicted by Satan – controlled by God. If a nuclear explosion used to wipe out disbelievers, God will always save the believers somehow.

40mins – “masses of dark night” – eight universe may not be adorned with stars….when believers visit hell, they would bring light with them.

43mins – Old people/parents, loss of hearing or eyesight.

54mins – Article about genetic diseases.


Start – Talk about respecting the messenger (MOC).

26mins – Clashes about how to refer to MOC. Explains purpose of Sura 2. Correcting our rebellion.

31mins – dress code for the Masjid.

37mins – Edip complains and accuses MOC of flaws.

48mins – How to treat the messengers Request & Opinions. Edip argues with MOC and accuses the MOC of not believing in God’s omnipotents.

54mins – “nullifying our works”.

58mins – MOC says “Edip has a serious problem and we are trying to help him”

1hr 6mins – Edip accuses a follower of being a “liar”. MOC explains this is wrong.

1hr 11mins – MOC says “Edip God is his opinion” – MOC says Edip will end up in hell.

1hr 19mins – “If you ever commit idol worship” – Idolising one’s own opinion.


Start – Explanation of genesis – Satan – Freewill – Angels serve humans.

7min – Satan wants to show “some humans are worse than Satan” example how people argue about Quranic letter counts.

16min – Hadith’s taken from Bible stories. Talk of out of body experience.

28mins – Debate on location of Adam and Eve’s body.

47min – Explains why God created death and the REAL LOCATION of the body – the issue is settled.

54mins – talk of out of body experience.

57mins – Talk of Jesus and crucification.

1hr 1mins – Feud in the High society.

1hr 5mins – Follower talks about a dream teaching why we only bear witness to God alone and not Mohammad.

1hr 11mins – Adam’s creation was the “master plate” – everyone else cloned from that i.e. Eve.

1hr 13mins – the Human is a BODY – SOUL – SPIRIT.

1hr 18min – Discussion about Steven Hawkins.


Start – MOC clarifies the importance of meditation. “The test requires that things be obscured and hidden so you rely completely on your logic…..”. MOC uses the metaphor of Babies and adults on the day of resurrection to describe soul growth.

8mins – The deeper intention of meditation the more one grows.

14mins – Meditation could be equivalent to a 100 salat, mentioning the name of Allah wipes out sins. Good way to make hopefully wipe away missed Salat…..

30mins – Humans are the only creatures in the universe who can freely chose God, this results in a great achievement. MOC uses the allegory of praying a 100 times a day or giving up ones eyesight, God did not put that on us. Watching moments of yourself worshipping God on the day of Judgement will make you pleased.

35mins – Best songs are ones that commemorate God. Humans tend to make the Boss or money their God…….Highest form of Freedom is declaring God is our master.

38mins – God mobilizes his forces to grant ones righteous requests. Your soul could be half the size of Arizona post meditation.

42mins – A big soul is LOVE, other faiths can produce righteous submitters.

47mins – MOC clarifies Night of Destiny happens every year. By God’s decree Angels can fix things in our bodies…….

67mins – Quran tells us commemorating God brings health, wealth and perfect happiness.

73mins – MOC talks of night of destiny being repeated.


Start – explanation of miracles suitable for each time period.

5mins – Neglecting the Soul – Homosexuality “talk them out of it”. Divine Warnings. New translation changes “Deserved” to “Incur”.

9mins – Arabs received warnings – Disaster for the Arab world.

13mins – Gospels “mostly truth”.

16mins – (Bad Audio) Debate about age of 40 – “piece of information”.

30mins – Satan and jinn’s invisible to us so they can whisper – Jinn’s travel faster than speed of light. Jinns given a chance to see more of the universe.

37mins – “Cheating cost you a lot” – new heaven new Earth in the Bible.

44mins – Size of the soul on day of Judgement.

49mins – History of Abrahamic\Islamic\Submission faith. “Special People”, Persecution, MOC says “disown me if you go to the Middle East”. Believers ridiculed. Early Generation.

59mins – People who follow the crowd “jumping on the wagon” of an established belief. Believers get a pinch when they stray off the path.

1hr 1min – “Angels have wings 2, 3 and 4”. Those who except ridicule and persecution for their belief are special people and attain the high ranks. Satan hates you.

1hr 8mins – “Special people” and those who die before 40 explained. “Some of us where swept in the crowd” to agree with Satan. Earth is our chance of redemption. Martin Luther King as an example.

1hr 12mins – “Once in the age of 41 you better be worshipping God alone.”

1hr 21mins – “Imagine sending astronauts into space” explains verses of the Quran. We are Astronauts on spaceship Earth. Oxygen levels.

1hr 27mins – Abraham had two sons and Christians distorted that.

1hr 31mins – Homosexuality brought on by parents taking their children out of God’s protection.


3mins – MOC talks of the night of Power.

5mins – “God is the one who hires you and fires you” – “if you do your part God will do his part” God guarantees your happiness. Word “Omnipotent” backs up this Truth.

9mins – Hadith claims the most miserable are the most righteous. There are categories within Satan’s Kingdom and God’s Kingdom. Talk of Appreciation i.e “the Eyes”.

14mins – People ask “why did God send me here”. MOC explains.

18mins – Crippled bodies are victims of Satan.

20mins – Angels are the best surgeons – God promises to protect you.

26mins – Believers go through a purification process but will emerge a Gem. God will take each one of our flaws and “polish” us. The end of the disbeliever’s life always bad.

28mins – Nothing happens to you except as a consequence of your works i.e. MOC talks of his Nephew. We must learn “Correlation” between a “pinch” and making a mistake. God’s pinches are restorable i.e. loss of money or a headache.

31mins – Following the messenger is following God’s instructions. Registering the mathematical Code, talks of errors and tracking numbers.

36mins – Making a choice, Rising for Fujr or staying a sleep. Size of the soul. “Angel can hold the Earth in his hand”.

41mins – God did not ask for Fujr to annoy us. Rising early Alleviates Depression.

44mins – Happiness and retribution start here.

1hr 1mins – Human beings who don’t observe Salat “always worried”. Traits of Believers. Chastity. Talk of Various translations.

1hr 13mins – Made aware of AIDS affecting Females.


1mins – Position of the Arms during Salat – does not matter. Direction of Qibla.

7mins – “Created the human being to work hard to redeem himself” explained.

9mins – MOC Explains Initially difficult to do all prayers especially for the young. Missing prayers.

12mins – MOC explains Original sin. Idol worshippers repeating what they did in the high society. “Prayers take a back seat” for some “Muslim”.

19mins – God assigned the “dollars” (Money) in your life. We are being “video recorded” explained. Believers know no virus can attack you – tests may permit this, health restored.

24mins – MOC talks about the “incredible” tongue (Banter). Talks about mosquito incident (banter)

28min – “Did we not show him the two paths”. Choosing the difficult path. “Break the initially barrier” to enjoy guidance. “Waking for Salat without an alarm. Anonymous charity.

34mins – Freeing the slave. Traits of the believers. Happiness now and forever.

44mins – Explains pain and suffering during tests.

49mins – “Mohammad or Jesus had nothing to do with creating the sun”

52mins – Saudis insist on seeing the new moon. “Redeeming our souls” explained. Nicest people in the world neglect their souls.

1hr 24mins – “numerical structured book” is the Quran, explained.


3mins – Tyrannical dress code for woman.

7mins – God’s protection, Invisible Giants, “Scheming against you”.

9mins – Tests explained i.e. Job.

13mins – Follower talks about evolution.

34mins – We must give God’s commandments priority – everything else is a “waste of time”. Happiness explained.

40mins – Professional beggars. Do not reprimand the beggar. Charitable Organizations.

44mins – Verses explained “we found you astray”.

49mins – MOC states IMPLOSION of the universe due to God coming to our Universe.

56mins – All animals resurrected – “you will meet your pet”. Black holes are similar representations of End of the universe.

58mins – Lies attributed to Masjid Tucson “men and woman pray side by side” or “woman lead the prayer”. Should be no preference for boy or girl when having children.

1hr 1min – Forced dress code is similar to burying an infant alive. Oppression of woman.

1Hr 6mins – MOC thanks God for the freedom in America to practise following Quran alone.

1hr 9mins – Talks about being MOC. Talks about “why Authorized” translation of the Quran.

1hr 14mins – (Banter) Kids tell neighbours “God’s messenger is sleeping at our house”. TRUST the MOC as God deliverer’s information via the MOC.

1hr 22mins – Every person has an invisible stamp “hell or heaven”. Cannot guide those who are stamped hell.

1hr 27min – Elite of the Elite are those who accept the message when it’s new.


Start – MOC explains prophecies of the coming prophets to Jews, Christian. We are Hard-core Egotistical rebels.

5mins – Takes strength to kill the Ego. Explains the rejection of Truth.

17mins – despite all miracles Moses people witnessed only 2 remained believers.

20mins – Earth is a halfway house to hell.

21mins – Repentance, we must believe God will turn sins into credit – Satan will give you a guilt complex over old or new sins – Repeating sins – we must repent and observe commandments. Read Quran every day At least 2 pages.

26mins – God controls your happiness and Misery. Believers don’t care\not scared about blamers.

29mins – shying away from our practises. It takes killing the EGO to be humble with the believers. Raised Mount Sanai explained.

33mins – “Muslims” disregard God’s scripture.

37mins – “witchcraft” explained, uses the Jinns.

49mins – MOC explains an incident of Witchcraft against him.

53mins – Angels guarding you are much stronger than the Jinns. Most people are out of God’s kingdom. When you miss a Prayer (salat) you are out of God’s protection. “Pinches” controlled by God. Talk of the EVIL eye.

58mins – Followers of the scripture would want you to disbelieve.

1hr 1mins – Observing Salat – “Muslims” says Jews and Christians will not go to heaven. Jews and Christians lost Salat.

1hr 10mins – Attains certainty one can see miracles.


34mins – MOC explains topic of no “Insurance” can take years to come round. “No grief and no Fear”. Earth provides “food for the prisoners”.

40mins – Allegorical description of Heaven.

56mins – Spreading the message, Gradual release of the Miracle.


Start – Salat existed before the Quran explained.

4mins – Disbelievers that look happy.

8mins – MOC Talks about Hypocrites.

11mins – Zakat to Family who are not fighting you because of religion.

13mins – Believers Vs Strives. Loaning money.

18mins – Sharing the message “don’t chase them away” “keep the door open”.

35mins – MOC explains “none can touch it except the righteous”


Start – Submitters never complain “happy with what God gave you”. “Pinch” and abusing God’s mercy. God takes one “defect” at a time to perfect. You do not get a Scratch or headache unless you did something wrong.

5mins – MOC talks of a personal experience – demonstrated perfect happiness. Edip doubts perfect happiness. Quran verses proves perfect happiness.

10mins – Admission tests usually within the first 5yrs can be within the first month. Follower claims she has a cold and fever, MOC tries to help identify why. Talk of disbelieving family members.

16mins – Satan capitalises on our wrong utterances. Do not compromise with a “little insurance”. Follower talks of backache.

20mins – “if you give God the credit you can brag” about God’s blessings. Satan and the Angels do not know what’s in your mind. Only God knows what’s in your innermost thoughts. Your “companion” plants bad thoughts.

24mins – People who use Jinns.

27mins – Invoke angels by saying Mashallah.

31mins – Cannot follow the parents blindly. “Heaven and Hell start here”. Talk of a suicidal billionaire who committed suicide and went to heaven.

35mins – “All happiness is in God’s hand”.

45mins – “Jews are God’s chosen people” but were still persecuted, the Arabs deserted the Quran they too will suffer retribution.

50mins – Explanation of the story of David and 99 sheep. Be careful with our judgements.

57mins – Explanation of Heavens and Earth Vs Paradise.

59mins – Use of Magic for Good??

1hr 1mins – Jinns whisper doubts examples given. God matches a believing Jinn with Believers.

1hr 4mins – Star signs are just observations. Manifestation of the Jinns can be a Ghost. Different heavens allegory Human Vs Tree to explain Heaven for Jinns.


52mins – Sodom and Gomorrah, we bring destruction upon ourselves, Parents take their children out of God’s protection. God assigns Souls to certain environments. Discussions on AIDS.

55mins – We are in an Era of belief, Believers protected from accidents and Diseases. Doubter debates.


1hr 6mns – MOC receives a death threat. Within Hell there are ranks.

1hr 18mins – Age of 41.


10mins – Secret conspiracy i.e. boycotting congregational gatherings. Estranging wives due to being like mothers. Abolishment of Slavery.

19mins – Believing in the invisible dimension. God’s protection. Being united, those who “break away from the group Satan attacks”.

27mins – “saves a lot of trouble” if we obey the messenger. Community of submitters debated age of 40, wastes a lot of time.

32mins – i.e conspiracies “some people decided they wanted a separate Quranic study and use different translations”.

34mins – different study group’s derived “strangest conclusions” i.e. debated the story of the camel being slaughtered.

45mins – Talk of Catholic Church and their supporters.

51mins – Follower talks of his experience and journey to Submission.


14mins – MOC talks of the “flawless” creation of the Universe.

17mins – Fasting is a private form of worship. Anonymous Charity “believing in God privately”.

31mins – Follower Argues with MOC. Arguing with Common sense against the Quran.

41mins – “God is doing everything”.

44mins – Follower argues regarding Rapes, child abuse, etc….”rapes happen in Satan’s kingdoms”.

50mins – “you do not test God”.


4mins – Removing family from God’s protection. MOC talks of his own family.

10mins – Prophets & messengers did not decide on the creation on the heavens.

18mins – MOC refers to Oprah Winfrey show regarding a dysfunctional family.

22mins – Follower argues with MOC. Premarital pregnancy.

28mins – MOC dismisses a member “you’re a bad influence on us, I suggest you go back to Switzerland”. “I just don’t trust you when you’re talking to the believers”.

37mins – Teach children about dangers of being sexually promiscuous.

49mins – Devil will try to drive a wedge between believers to contradict the Quran – believers are brothers and sisters.

52mins – God allows us to do Salat as a gift. Psalms. Prophets honoured by God.

58mins – Followers go to work post early morning Q Study of 2 pages.

1hr 3mins – Details of Ablution in the Quran and still not followed by “Muslims”.

1hr 4mins – Short term marriages that facilitate prostitution.

1hr 13min – Deliberate traps in the Quran for those seeking excuses.

1hr 19mins – No time sequence as far as God is concerned.


Start – Idols abandon idol worshippers i.e Mohammad, Jesus.

5mins – Minimum Criteria for those in the “middle of the jungle”. Those who see the proof and reject the MOC are going to hell.

9mins – MOC Explains Rabbi Judas the Pious.

23mins – MOC Explains the Story of Genesis.

34mins – MOC explains the Elite of the Elite.

55mins – Sects within religion. Banter.


1min – MOC “what about a person in central Africa who never heard of Mohammad”. MOC explains Genesis and the role of the devil.

8mins – Double the reward. Some angels agreed with the devil.

12mins – MOC talks of a road traffic accident. Before exposure of Devil and creation of the earth.

16mins – Continued talk of Road traffic accident and a Movie. Imam taking himself out of Gods mercy.

23mins – Belief Minority of a Minority.

26mins – Question asked “Why did God do this to us” MOC explains.

29mins – MOC explains it took him 3 years to say the correct shahada in the morning. Being accused of disrespecting the prophet.

32mins – Shahada explained. Perfect life explained i.e. no diseases. Rejecting the message of God alone.

35mins – New age, belief in God is based on decisions i.e. sacrificing our lives not needed.

41mins – Praying for others. Being an idol worshipper then turning to God Alone allows you to understand idolatrous mind.

44mins – Rashad’s father memorized the Quran and knows Arabic perfectly but it did not help him.

46mins – Praying for others, true Brothers and Sisters. Supplication.

52mins – Tests Vs. punishments. Losing money or destroying your car, God will make it up to you. Shaytans schemes.


Start – Talk of the story of Joseph. Slavery of the Children of Israel.

5mins – Worrying about Children MOC refers to mother of Moses.

12mins – Moses mother given knowledge of the future.

14mins – Pharaohs wife, a “top” believer. Further talk of Moses.

18mins – Moses commits Manslaughter explained. Moses was hot tempered and physically strong.

26mins – Earth cannot stand God Physically hence mountain crumbled.

34mins – MOC Talks of fulfilment of Covenant and date.

39mins – Loving things too much.

44mins – Professing ones faith outside of believing circles.

47mins – Accepting the age of 40.

54mins – MOC told to give all his time to the message. MOC talks of HIS road traffic accident.

56mins – Not accepting the MOC.


Start – End of the world.

4mins – debate on the word Dhikr = proof.

14mins – “you could be the nicest person in the world and still end up in hell”.

26mins – MOC explains the verse “we told the angels to prostrate…..”


Start – Translation of 22:15 compared and discussed.

8mins – MOC explains why not to pray in traditional “mosques”.


24mins – MOC explains true definition of being “Rich” and “having enough”.

28mins – Those who reject the mathematical proof are “stubborn”. Removal of the two false verses.

36mins – traditions Changed meanings of Quranic words.

59mins – talk of Verse 74:30.

1hr 3mins – Making Judgements. Suspicion is sinful i.e. assumptions.

1hr 18mins – Hypocrites avoid “persecution”.


Start – Innovations, when in a group do not do extra prostrations. When in your privacy submit as you wish.

3min – Hypocrites\disbelievers say “you worship Rashad Khalifa”. You cannot help those who do not have conviction in their heart.

9min – The Quran is the ultimate reference when reading the Bible.

12mins – Bible says “Do not worry”. Woman have been oppressed.

19mins – Adopting children maintain their family name, helps to avoid Incest.

26mins – Woman should keep their family name when they marry.

32mins – Prophet Muhammad was a member of the covenant.

43mins – MOC Talks of date fulfilment of the covenant.

55mins – Death for the believer different to that of the disbeliever ref: Prophets of Israel killed. “THE TYPE OF DEATH DOES NOT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE”. No suffering for Believers.

59mins – “Who created God” mathematical answer to atheist. “God is Physical”.

1hr 20min – Satan will feed your religiousness to push you away from God i.e. do 20 Salat!

1hr 26min – Answers to Paradoxical questions. Mathematical Infinity of God proves God.


4min – Most Merciful granted 40yrs of Grace. Question “If god is so merciful why let children starve”.

6min – Satan’s “total Picture” to prove he can create a perfect world.

8mins – Miracle coming out of a brewery.

11mins – MOC Patented process for breaking yeast cell wall to obtain protein.

16min – Satan knew about the mathematical Miracle. The fact that children die of starvation proves Satan’s Incompetence.

18mins – Hell is not Fire (allegory) “Exile from God”.

24mins – “you are walking around now as a King or Queen on Earth”.

28mins – Heaven\Hell described allegorically i.e. “heaven is not trees and spouses…….”. We will not feel sorry for those in Hell i.e. MOC talks of his father.

44mins – MOC Explains process of creation i.e. “is not a measure of time” i.e. “Big bang is a controlled explosion”.

51mins – “An Angel can hold the whole planet earth in one hand”. Seeking refuge from Satan.

55mins – Mohammed as Intercessor debased. Getting sick and thanking other than God.

59mins – Misguidance i.e. “Pope sees signs Mary is mother of God”. Neo-Christianity discussed.

1hr 23mins – Fatwa issued for MOC to be killed.

1hr 28mins – Ahmed Deedat called MOC in Arabic a “liar”.


Start – Believing Jinns giving a longer period of time, schooling……….lots more Humans believe than Jinns. Explains one of the Mathematical miracle.

26mins – “Recognise the Good person by their actions………” “Big Fallacy about the intention that counts……..Intention counts when the person is perfect……..appears to be perfect”

30mins – before time of Abraham i.e. Noah, people were primitive, belief in God was enough. MOC explains different forms of disbelief.

35mins – Talk of difficulty accepting MOC.

42mins – Disbelievers get Cancers, disasters, etc……, MOC makes a confession………makes deliberate mistakes.

49mins – MOC explain the miracle of the Camel.

55mins – One of the biggest problems is following the parents.


Start – Jesus never claimed to be only child of God – “all the righteous are children of God”. MOC elaborates on the history of Noah.

4mins – MOC talks\elaborates on the SMOKE “this may be in 50 – 100Yrs”………

11mins – Atheist as Good people “work in vain”………

34mins – “returning to the original Islam……”, “consolidate and verify”.

36mins – Alcohol Prohibited……..MOC explains meats prohibited in the Quran……..

44mins – mixing drinking Alcohol and giving to charity “drinking Alcohol your soul will shrink and give to charity your soul will grow…….” “No one can live a sinless life………”

49mins – MOC Explains creation, Adam and Eve represent all of us……….

1hr 12mins – “give the message in the gentlest way ……….they became terribly upset” spreading the message we should be calm……..even so people will still get upset i.e. follower tried to preach to her mother……….

1hr 19mins – “God wants us to deal directly with him………..”

1hr 27mins – MOC explains we do not claim only this religion will save you.

1hr 31mins – “it is not wrong to tell the people to save their souls……….”


Start – MOC explains the destruction of Islam starting from the addition of the two verses…….

3min – people who argue and miss the explanation……..

5mins – Converting your jinn “companion” to want to pray…….

9mins – CERTAINTY Submission is accepting God’s word even if you don’t understand it “certainty”. Missing a prayer\fast could lead to a pinch……

14mins – Prayer, fasting, zakat to attain certainty. ZAKAT explained……….

23mins – MOC explains Islamic political system……..

32mins – Perfect Life explained.

37mins – baby birth rituals “superstition”.

41mins – Martyrdom.

44mins – Usury explained i.e. “Victim”. Money\bank Interest explained.

48mins – MOC shares a story about those who think they talk to the dead – confirms they are talking to the Jinn companion of the deceased. Talk of Jinns……..

52mins – MOC talks about the “system of the world” in light of worship i.e. retiring and devoting one’s life to God……

58mins – MOC explains collection of the Quran…….2 false verses…….


START – MOC refers to people whom Satan can not claim…..”our stand must be FIRM”.

2mins – FRIENDS “you can examine the evidence until God guides you”

3mins – FRIENDS “These are not enemies of God……..” “If you are friends with someone who is opposing God and his messenger what does this tell about you……”

6mins – Friend who declares themselves as disbelievers are enemies of God.

8mins – “Personal friction Quran tells you to love your enemy……”, Quran deals with Religious enemies. Continued debate on Friendships and family.

12mins – Parents have a special position – you only have permission to disobey idolatrous enforcing.

16mins – Do not befriend people who are hopelessly stuck in disbelief. If you sense there is potential for belief then you need to be diplomatic. A lot at Stake.

21mins – “If you are asking someone to pray 5 times a day, you better be doing it yourself……” Dividing the religion into Sects……..

25mins – Woman leading a prayer “innovation”.

27mins – Word used for cutting hands&feet debated.

28mins – MOC explains missing Friday sermons but can perform 2 units with congregation……..You can not give yourself a Sermon, do 4 units.

32mins – MOC discusses failure of communism……

34mins – MOC Explains verse regarding giving disbelievers mansions with silver roofs.

36mins – Believers guaranteed perfect life… worry….rich believer is better than a poor believer.

40mins – “Not easy to be a rich believer…….” distraction, more responsibility. Debated. Edip Argues……

46mins – “we do not know how much money is assigned to us……”

49mins – “people in hell assigned low ranks in hell……no promotion……” MOC explains difference between heavens……

52mins – A rich believer on earth could be assigned a lower rank than a poor believer……..No tress and no fruits in heaven only allegory descriptions……

57mins – God created all living things from water……”creatures that walk on the bellies”

1hr – Believers Obey God and his messengers…….”we hear and we obey” age of forty (40) debated……

1hr 7mins – Kids praying…….enjoying it.

1hr 9mins – “the messenger conveys the word of God…….” If you believe the messenger and its a mistake, on the day of Judgement you can say I obeyed your messenger……

1hr 11mins – “Righteous means abide by the Quran’s commandments and prohibitions……”

1hr 12mins – difference between the Muslim and a believer is DOUBT. How to Attain CERTIANTY.

1hr 28mins – Never pray in idolatrous mosques…..


3mins – Christmas celebrations good opportunity to tell people the truth why we don’t celebrate it.

11mins – Reassurance is needed for everybody.

16mins – Logical agreement with the Jews and Christians, worship God alone. “Teachings you follow come from your God” i.e. Imams, parents.

19mins – “Start with the assumption you are an idol worshipper” try hard to prove it, if you fail then your OK. Our faith linage comes direct from Abraham.

33mins – People who do not fall prostrate in this world will not be able to on the day of Judgement.

37mins – MOC tells of how the truth can be confounded with falsehood.

43mins – MOC talks about Gentiles and being honest with all people. Mohammed wrote the Quran.


Start – MOC explains prophecy of the Moon split, a sign for the end of the world. Smoke that will envelope the whole world. “What will it take for the disbelieve in God……” False second coming of Jesus……

4mins – MOC explains God’s infinite presence – God is not here…….God controls everything remotely.

6mins – MOC talks about death…….

16mins – MOC talks about Noah flood and the Ark…….

25mins – Arabic translation superior language – hard to translate into English.

27mins – Persisting\ignoring God’s warning and teachings, they incur retribution. God guarantees perfect health, wealth and happiness and it takes a believer to believe in that.

30mins – God’s signs, Miracle’s like the camel, magic, healing the sick……

32mins – Are today’s disbelievers any better than those of the past??

37mins – Following God’s commandments brings a perfect life. If you happen to contract Cancer or AIDS God can remove it via the angels being the best surgeons. MOC is speaking from Life experience.

38mins – Qur’an equally mentions hell and heaven……

47mins – MOC talks of the status of countries political and economical issues and Freedom.

53mins – A member of the congregation is SICK, MOC and congregation say Fetiha for him to get better.


10mins – How to distinguish if you are an idol Worship – “put yourself on trail” “assume you are an idol worshipper” then try and disprove.

43mins – INTEREST explained

44min 45sec – INSURANCE prohibited explained.

46mins – Investments, rich\intelligent believer better at further the cause of God.

51mins – body Organs can be donated.


47min – Our Jinn matures with us……tells us bad things……Satan keeps hoping he can prove his point of view.

50mins – AIDS, Homosexuality, over population, starving children………

56mins – “Mathematical Miracle came out of satans pocket”.

59mins – “We have a great responsibility to give the correct answer” “you can not acquiesce to their wishes”. “No white lies”.

1hr – Satan envious of us because we have hope of returning to God.

1hr 4mins – Satan’s main target is the believer, Satan waiting for believers to make a mistake i.e. missing a prayer, not saying bismillah before eating – recompense flat tyre, headache, small problem……

1:09 – Jesus never said he was God.

1hr:14mins – Satan brings fear and grief, ANGER happens to believers but believers suppress\control it.

1hr:16mins – “INSURANCE agents are very close to satan” “Insurance is based on fear” – Objection.

1hr:18mins – Believers know not a scratch can touch us…..

1hr:24mins – Joseph brothers prostrated to God NOT to Joseph, Traps in the Quran……..Joseph story discussed.


Start – Every Atom glorifies God i.e. Carpet, light switch……..God decides if you get a pay-rise or have a child not the boss or your own actions. Omnipotent God Perfect happiness guaranteed repeated 23 times in the Quran- this is God’s kingdom and promise. We must do our part…….

5min – Hadith that opposes Gods promise of a perfect life.

7Min – “there are only two types of people, people in God’s kingdom and people in Satan’s kingdom” – categories of people in Satan’s kingdom and other names for believers i.e. appreciative.

8mins – God gave us much in advance then asked us to show appreciation – imagine if a gun was put to your head and you was told pray 5 times or give up your eyesight??

10:50sec – Most people say why did God bring me here, I did not want to come here. Majority of people will not believe and of the minority who do believe will fall into Idol worship. Brought here so we can be redeemed.

14mins – we must recognize Satan’s role and defective flaws in our bodies that come from that. God’s angel are the best surgeons can go into your body and fix it, they can go into your body and fix whatever is wrong.

18mins – Humans work very hard to go to hell.

21mins – consciousness of God is very important – to know God is with you where ever you are.

22mins – Believers may go through a purification process which can be severe, the end is what counts, a perfect human. Disbelievers end is always miserable, Believers last 15 – 20 years of their life is the best.

24mins – MOC talks to his nephew who is getting issues and found out he is missing Fujr – MOC explains the law – “nothing happens to you except as a consequence of your works”……..we get a PINCH to get our attention to something that needs fixing.

27mins – Following the teachings shared by the messenger is not following the messenger but God’s law\commandments shared via the messenger. The messenger also follows the commandments\law like anyone else – The issue is EGO.

30mins – MOC and his assistance talks about the writing of the miracle and errors made even when they used a computer. BUT the Quran is perfect and this proves the Quran is not man made. POINT is Mohammed the prophet could not keep track of all these numbers…….

32mins – decision we make to get up for Fujr or not – we grow when we perform the commandments.

35mins – on the day of resurrection it will be obvious from the size of our souls who grew and who did not – i.e. some people will be the size of a cat and others the size of Arizona. It will be obvious who did not develop.

39mins – God loves us and wants us to be redeemed – Happiness and retribution happens here in this world.

45mins Sunni\Shia are not Muslims.

49mins – MOC talks of a girl called Emily who immigrated and the believers gave anonymous donations until she was able to stand on her own two feet. Another follower was in a car accident and was thrown out of the car but got back up and attended the needs of the driver – MOC talks about this in light of God’s protection.

52mins – Disbelievers who eventually believed and joined the believers – God removed hate from their hearts as they used to be at war and some of those people may have killed members of the believers family.

54mins – People who just go along with the crowd – they are not believers. Definition of hypocrites……they are more damaging than a disbeliever.

1hr – people who take drugs and executed in the name of Islamic law is an example of hypocrites.


3mins – True Believers happily accept the miracle of the Quran and the messenger of the covenant.

15mins – Good works are utterly in vain if you do not believe in God alone. Talks of People who are heading to the lowest pit of hell.

20mins – disbelieves challenge Quran by asking how many Units in each prayer.

38mins – repentance wipes out all sins, make one step for God and God makes a million for you God is generous.

40mins – Satan as a god results in misery, disasters, illness, etc…..

39:30sec – Disbelievers always only see fire and brimstone when reading the Quran. Believers sort all their affairs and are ready to leave for paradise as all the affairs are sorted.

55mins – MOC elaborates on the end of the world and resurrection process.

1:05mins – We must fatten our souls with righteousness – Grow and make heavy.

1:08mins – MOC Talks of Deja-vu experiences being a quality of the soul. Some dreams have significance, some our without meaning – don’t worry and don’t try to interpret them.

1:18mins – Ungodly prohibitions equals idol worship of another God.

1:21mins – Explains meats prohibitions and how to sacrifice it Eating Vs Sacrificing have different rules. You must mention Gods name on anything we eat.

1:27mins – when we know what God revealed i.e. Wadu (ablution) we should drop what ever we were taught i.e. dont follow your erroneous parents.


Repeated audio from other recordings.


START – MOC talks of inbred fanaticism debased by the Quran – Righteous Jews Christians and Muslims can make it to Heaven.

19mins – Criteria to know if you believe in the hereafter – “mention God alone………”

41mins – We are all schizophrenic battling a war with our resident Jinn.

47mins – Age of 40 calculated using Solar years Confirmed by the MOC.


Start – MOC talks of a experiment that explains “swept with the crowd” which denotes our existence. Understanding Salat is a gift from God.

11mins – MOC talks of Zakat and importance. Explains How righteous Christians and Jews attain salvation.

19mins – Waking for dawn prayer is a good measure of the souls growth – do you wake up easily?? MOC talks of daily practises……….

33mins – Salat is one of the highest form of remembering God and proves God is your God. Invoking protection for Children and not turning them into Idols.

37mins – Invoking the name of God before we eat.

43mins – what does it mean to read Quran through the night? i.e. verse that talks of half or one third.

47mins – Attendee accuses Rashad of attacking the Sunna and receiving millions of dollars to do so – Arguments.

50mins – Zakat can go to non-believing family members. Zakat and your intention should be clear.

53mins – Why did God do all this? MOC clarifies the purpose of our creation i.e. Robot analogy. How do you know if you are influenced by the devil? When you are doing non-Quranic actions.

1hr:1min – If anyone does not believe Prophet Mohammed was not the last messenger is no longer a believer.

1hr:02min – How to distinguish a fake messenger.

1hr:05min – Human Idols.

1hr:09min – Attendee argues against MOC in promotion of dead prophet Mohammed. Arguments with a Sunni.


Start – MOC talks of how they worked on the discovery mathematical code.

10mins – MOC talk of the creation story.

28min – Animals Go to Lower Heaven – Human Beings that abandon Idols can make it to High heaven.

33mins – MOC explains God does not want Robots……..

35mins – MOC debates natural instinct to know God……..


23mins – MOC explains the two paths and which leads to happiness – strong connection to charity.

28mins – MOC Clarifies Zakat must be paid on ANY MONEY regardless of working for it or being given – any money that enters your pocket.

29mins – LOANED MONEY does not need Zakat paid. CHARITY MONEY – ZAKAT MUST BE PAID.

39mins – Beggars………professional beggars……you can not be suspicious. Best NOT to break God’s commandment (do not reprimand the beggar). Giving money to Organizations.

45mins 50secs – “We don’t attribute sickness to God, you attribute it to yourself……….”

49mins – Talks of translation and verse that refers to “found you Astray…..”. Submitters cool their temper by remembering God is in control.


Start – “Loosing the Soul is a soul that is repulsed by everything else” hence loosing one’s family – definition of shrunk souls – hate, cheat, greed, etc…..Shaytan makes us scared.

5 mins – Children have child Jinns in them – “as soon as the human being starts to reason so will the Jinn companion” – MOC clarifies Jinns entice us to do bad. “Jinns are freed companions”

8 mins – Satan trying to resolve world problems – but he is incompetent.

12 mins – Satans control or ability to see is limited. Zakat contribution is not enough to counter act Satans incompetents of i.e. starvation.

14 mins – MOC explains his career biography – employment at largest brewery – patented process of releasing protein from yeast – discovery of mathematical code.

19 min – who Satan possess.

23 min – Satan wants people to live past 40 as disbelievers.

27 min – MOC clarifies Fake messengers.

29 min – MOC clarifies story of Job – we live in a new Era so admissions tests do not happen like that but are still as effective. Jinn – devil are interchangeable. 4 kinds of disaster explained by MOC i.e. Pinch.

31 min – MOC clarifies story of the sheep and David and Solomon’s judgement. Psalms given to David via inspiration from God. You can not do the 5 salat without God’s guidance.

37 min – God selects the soul to be assigned to a certain family i.e. a soul that deserves to attain guidance. Evil souls are assigned to deserving families.

43 min – previous miracles made obsolete – mathematical miracle allows believers to examine and take their time to learn and appreciate.

45 min – MOC clarifies Satan is a reality and Satan is trying to make believing in him as madness and shameful (Quak).