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The Principles of Contact Prayers
Details of the principals of Contact Prayer (Salat) including the meaning, history, and relevance of the most important form of worship in Submission (Islam). Includes a step-by-step tutorial for each of the 5 prayers. When the prophet Abraham implored God in Sura 14:40 of Quran (See /quran), he did not ask for wealth or health; the gift he implored for was: “Please God, make me one who observes the contact prayers (Salat).”
The Great Debate
Dr. Rashad Khalifa debates Muslim scholar Dr. Abdel Rahman Salem. Topics include completeness of the Quran, Hadith and Sunnah, corruption of religion, and the origin of Submission (Islam). Affirming that Quran is the only source of religious laws.
Principles of Friday Prayer
Details the principals of the Friday Prayer (JUM’A) including the meaning, history, and requirements of the most important form of worship in Submission (Islam). Also contains a demostration A Friday Prayer (Salat Al Juma). The Friday Congregational Prayer (Salat Al-Jum`ah) is so important, a whole sura is entitled “Friday” and a commandment is decreed in verse 9 to observe this prayer. Every Submitter — man, woman, and child — is commanded by God to observe the Friday Congregational Prayer. The Friday Prayer replaces the Noon Prayer every Friday. Instead of 4 units, the Friday Prayer consists of listening to two sermons delivered by the Imam, and two units of prayer. Each sermon must begin with “Al-Hamdu Lillah” (Praise be to God), “Laa Elaaha Ella Allah” (No other god beside God). Each sermon should last 10-15 minutes and must be delivered in the language of the congregation. At the end of the first sermon, the congregation is asked to repent, “Tooboo Ela Allah.” The Imam then sits down for about a minute and makes his repentance together with the congregation, then stands up for the second sermon. The second sermon ends by asking one of the people to say the Azaan. The Imam then leads the 2-unit prayer.
Mathematical Miracle of the Quran
In 1974, Dr. Rashad Khalifa, was given the first incontrovertible physical evidence that the Quran is God’s message to the world. Like the Quran itself, the Quran’s mathematical coding ranges from the very simple, to the very complex. The Simple Facts are those observations that can be ascertained without using any tools. The complex facts require the assistance of a calculator or a computer. This video explains the basic facets of this extraordinarily intricate but easy to understand miracle.
King of Chaos
For the first time in history of human race we have received the answers to “why we were created” “were did we come from” “where do we go after death” which are supported by PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. In addition to detailing the purpose of the creation of the human being, Dr. Rashad Khalifa (God’s Messenger of the Covenant) explains the reason for problems, accidents, and diseases in this world. New evidence is presented showing the secret of perfect happiness, in this world, now and forever according to God’s proven scripture – Quran. These statements are proven to be scientific facts by God’s mathematical miracle of the Quran.
What life is all about, Who is God, Signature of the Creator
(1) What Life Is All About? Explains the purpose of life. The narrator (Rashad Khalifa, Ph.D.) addresses questions like: * Why are we human beings here on planet earth? * Who is the real person, the body or the soul? * How do we nourish the soul? * How can people achieve perfect happiness? * What is submission to God? (2) Who is GOD? We can appreciate the vastness of our universe if we imagine going on a space odyssey.When we leave the planet Earth towards the sun, at the speed of light, we reach the sun after 93,000,000 miles and 8 minutes. It will take us more than 50,000 years at the speed of light to exit our galaxy. From the outer limit of the Milky Way, our planet Earth is invisible. Not even the most powerful telescope can detect our tiny “Earth.” We have to spend more than 2,000,000 years at the speed of light to reach our next-door galaxy. At least 10,000,000,000 years, at the speed of light, must be spent to reach the outer limit of our universe. From the outer limit of our universe, even the Milky Way is like a speck of dust in a large room. Our universe is estimated to span distances in excess of 20,000,000,000 light years. This incomprehensible vastness is far beyond human comprehension, And God Created all of it The third part of the video is documentary about God’s divine signature on the Universe. God’s scriptures are not the only mathematically composed creations of God where the number 19 is the common denominator. It is profound indeed that Galileo made his famous statement: “Mathematics is the language with which God created the universe.” A plethora of scientific findings have now shown that the number 19 represents God’s signature upon certain creations. This divine stamp appears throughout the universe in much the same manner as the signature of Michelangelo and Picasso identify their works.
Old Message New Messenger
Explains and details the Quranic Prophecy regarding the Messenger of the Covenant (Quran 3:81). The Messenger of the Covenant is also prophesied in the Bible’s Malachi 3:1-21, Luke 17:22-36 & Matthew 24:27. God’s Messenger of the Covenant is a consolidating messenger. His mission was to purify and unify all existing religions into one: Islam (Submission). Islam is NOT a name; it is a description of one’s total submission and devotion to God ALONE, without idolizing Jesus, Mary, Muhammad, or the saints. Anyone who meets this criterion is a “Muslim” (Submitter). Therefore, one may be a Jewish Submitter, a Christian Submitter, a Hindu Submitter, a Buddhist Submitter, or Muslim Submitter. God’s Messenger of the Covenant delivers God’s proclamation that “The only religion approved by God is Submission” (3:19) and that “Anyone who seeks other than Submission as a religion, it will not be accepted from him/her” (3:85). Topics addressed include: requirements of a messenger, human beings as messengers, the difference between prophets and messengers, etc.
Friday Sermons – God is doing everything – Part 1
This video talks about the most important criteria for believing in God. Believing in God necessitates believing in His qualities, one of which is that He is doing everything. Without knowing God, there is no belief (Sura 23:84-90 of Quran, visit- /quran). Bad things are incurred by us, and executed by Satan, in accordance with God’s laws. Belief in God is valid only if one recognizes God’s qualities, such as the fact that God controls everything (Sura 8:17). Believers who do not know God are not really believers. Most believers nullify their belief by idolizing such powerless idols as the prophets and saints.
God is doing everything – Part 2
This video talks about the following topics: -How the discovery of Quran’s Mathematical Code emerged, -In this Mathematically coded message to the world the dominant message is we have only “One God” and we need to devote our worship absolutely to Him alone in order to be redeemed. -Quran is God’s Final message to the world and in it God tells us when the world will end. -In God’s Final message to the world God gave us the secret to attaining Perfect Happiness here in this world.
Evolution or Creation
Excerpt from Appendix 31 of the Authorized English Version of the Quran by Dr. Rashad Khalifa: In this computer age, we have mathematical laws that tell us whether a certain event is probable or not. If we throw five numbered cubes up in the air and let them fall into a guided straight line, the probability laws tell us the number of possible combinations we can get: 1x2x3x4x5=120 combinations. Thus, the probability of obtaining any combination is 1 in 120, or 1/120, or 0.0086. This probability diminishes fast when we increase the number of cubes. Mathematicians, who are very exacting scientists, have agreed that the probability diminishes to “Zero” when we increase the number of cubes to 84. If we work with 84 cubes, the probability diminishes to 209×10 (raised to the power of) -50. The probability laws tell us that the probability of the haphazard creation of the exacting sequences of nucleotides into DNA is Zero, many times over. We are not talking about 84 nucleotides; we are talking about billions of nucleotides that must be arranged in a specific sequence. Some evolutionists have stated that the human gene and the monkey’s gene are 90% similar. However, even if the similarity was 99%, we are still talking about 300,000,000 nucleotides.
(1) What is Islam / Essentials of Islam – (2) Call to Universal Unity
Details the explanation of religious practices in Submission (Islam) along with their meaning. Abraham implores God in Quran verse 14:40. He did not ask for wealth or health. Instead, the gift he implored for was: “Please God, make me one who observes the contact prayers (Salat).” The religious duties instituted by God are in fact a great gift from Him. They constitute the nourishment required for the growth and development of our Souls. This includes the Contact Prayers( Salat ), Obligatoy Charity ( Zakat ), Fasting and Hajj Pilgrimage.
1988 Conference , Dr. khalifa explains fulfillment of the Covenant & In Defense of the Bible
In the first half of this video at the 1988 Submitters Conference Dr. Rashad Khalifa explains the fulfillment of the Covenant and Messengership. The second half of the video is in defense of the Bible. More and more people are increasingly disillusioned with the Bible. They grow up learning that the Bible is the word of God, but when the study the Bible carefully they discover that it contains too many unacceptable contradictions. A very good example is in the market today in the book stores, we find the book by Carl Segan called “Contact” and on page 30 of this book we find that in the Gospel of Mathew there are 28 generations between David and Jesus but, in the Gospel of Luke we see that the number of generations from David and Jesus is 43. Now how this could be the word of God. Does God know how many generations there are between David and Jesus? The names in Mathew and in Luke are not even similar, and this destroys the credibility of the Bible as the word of God. How can we explain these contradictions? This program will prove to you that the Bible is in fact the Word of God. These indefensible contradictions are there because they were injected by human beings. Any contradictions, any nonsense you see in the Bible is the result of human interference and this program will prove that vast majority of the Bible is divine truth. The truth about Jesus.
End of the World, Friday Sermons 10-16-1987, 7-15-1988
Friday Sermons delivered by Dr. Rashad Khalifa in 1987 & 1988 about: – In God’s final message to humanity, Quran, God told us when the this world will end. – 50 years from 1987 the world will know about God’s proven message to the world giving us the answers to our most vital questions… why we were created? what is Satan’s role in this world? – God alone is the Lord of the universe. It all began a few billion years ago when one of God’s high-ranking creatures, Satan, developed a supercilious idea that he could run a dominion as an independent god besides God. This challenge to God’s absolute authority was not only blasphemous, it was also erroneous. Satan was ignorant of the fact that God alone possesses the ability to be a god, and that there is much more to godhood than he realized. It was the ego – arrogance augmented by ignorance – that led Satan to believe that he could take care of a dominion, as a god, and run it without disease, misery, war, accidents, and chaos.
Friday Sermons of November 1987 & 12-4-1987
Friday Sermons delivered by Dr. Rashad Khalifa in 1987 about: – Reviewing the new issue of Muslim Prespective – Witnessing the emergence of a fantastic Miracle that tells the world Quran is the message from God to the world (/quran and it is a supernatural scripture that could not possibly be human made. – Proclaiming that we are heading for a momentous event which is a universal conference (the Day of Resurection) when we will be assigned an eternal job or position. We are in this world to prepare for the eternal life. _ The most important worship in Submission is Salat, the 5 daily contact prayers that provide us the main meal for developing our soul (the real person) … _ How to be protected from evil thoughts and temptations … Friday Sermons delivered by Dr. Rashad Khalifa in 1987 about: – Reviewing the new issue of Muslim Prespective – Witnessing the emer…all » Friday Sermons delivered by Dr. Rashad Khalifa in 1987 about: – Reviewing the new issue of Muslim Prespective – Witnessing the emergence of a fantastic Miracle that tells the world Quran is the message from God to the world (http://www.submission.nu/quran/) and it is a supernatural scripture that could not possibly be human made. – Proclaiming that we are heading for a momentous event which is a universal conference (the Day of Resurection) when we will be assigned an eternal job or position. We are in this world to prepare for the eternal life. _ The most important worship in Submission is Salat, the 5 daily contact prayers that provide us the main meal for developing our soul (the real person) … _ How to be protected from evil thoughts and temptations.
Friday Sermons 1-1-1988 1-22-1988 3-4-1988
Friday Sermons delivered by Dr. Rashad Khalifa in 1988 about: – Quran provides the ways and means to start all over again, One of the most elusive objectives of every human being is “Happiness.” The Quran reveals the secret of attaining perfect happiness in this life and forever[Quran 10:64, Quran 16:122]. We learn from the Quran that happiness is an exclusive quality of the soul. Thus, a body that attains all the material successes it longs for – money, power, fame, etc. – often belongs to an unhappy person. Happiness depends totally on the degree of growth and development attained by the soul, the real person. The Quran provides a detailed map towards perfect happiness for both body and soul, both in this world and in the eternal Hereafter (Appendix 15 https://submission.ws/index.php/appendix-15-religious-duties-a-gift-from-god.html). – Explaination and the distinction between God’s Kingdom and Satan’s kingdom in this world. As long as we are in God’s Kingdom we are perfectly happy. How can we join God’s Kingdom.
Friday Sermons 5-27-1988 10-28-1988 12-9-1988 12-3~
Friday Sermons delivered by Dr. Rashad Khalifa in 1988 about: – We have been fortunate to have received a message from God that comes with built in tangible evidence for the first time in human history to let us know the most vital information we need: 1) who are we? 2) why are we here on earth? 3) where do we go from here, after we die? 4) what do we need? 5) the secret of attaining perfect happiness? [Quran 16:122, Quran 10:64] – who is our god? how can we make God Who created us our god? – Should we love God and why? It all began a few billion years ago when “a feud arose in the Heavenly Society” (38:69). One of the high-ranking creatures, Satan, entertained supercilious thoughts that his God-given powers qualified him to be a god besides God. He thus challenged God’s absolute authority. Not only was Satan’s idea blasphemous, it was wrong – only God, and no one else, possesses the qualifications and ability to be a god. Consequent to Satan’s blasphemy, a division occurred in the Heavenly Society, and all constituents of God’s kingdom became classified into four categories.
Friday Sermons 1989 #1
Friday Sermons delivered by Dr. Rashad Khalifa about: Mathematical Miracle of Quran, how to make God our god every day of the week, how to attain perfect happiness in this world and forever benefits of religious practices the explaination of why we were created most people who worship God do not do so without committing idolworship.
Friday Sermons 1989 #2
Friday Sermons delivered by Dr. Rashad Khalifa in 1989 about: – How God communicates with us and why God sends messengers, progression of the God’s message, every time God sends messangers they get rejected. – Why anounce messengership, hypocrites will regret rejecting the messenger on the Day of Judgement, worshiping God alone implies believing what God says. – God’s Gift in form of a Miracle or the Conference itself – the explaination of the miracle of the miracles.
Friday Sermons 1989 #3
Friday Sermons delivered by Dr. Rashad Khalifa in 1989 about: – Classification of God’s creatures after the Heavenly Fued in the High Society. And how our ego is biggest obsticle between us and redemption – Two Sermons given on Fridays make up for 2 units of Friday Prayer, the coming of son of man (messenger of the covenant) – how the life and death of the believers differ from the disbelivers – the explaination of the miracle of the miracles, how God uses angel Gabriel to send us revelations, ie righteous do not really die.
Speech 1989 Conference
Dr. Rashad Khalifa Messenger of the Covenant, in his concluding speech at the 1989 Conference of United Submitters International. Explains how God sends information to our world and goes in depth of many other important Quranic principles. A messenger of God must present proof that he is God’s messenger. Every messenger of God is supported by incontrovertible divine signs proving that he is authorized by the Almighty to deliver His messages. Moses threw down his staff and it turned into a serpent, Jesus healed the leprous and revived the dead by God’s leave, Saaleh’s sign was the famous camel, Abraham walked out of the fire, and Muhammad’s miracle was the Quran (29:50-51). The Quran (3:81, 33:7, 33:40) and the Bible (Malachi 3:1-3) have prophesied the advent of the consolidating messenger, God’s Messenger of the Covenant. It is only befitting that a messenger with such a crucial mission must be supported by the most powerful miracle (74:30-35). While the miracles of previous messengers were limited in time and place, God’s miracle supporting His Messenger of the Covenant is perpetual; it can be witnessed by anyone, at anytime, in any place.